Welcoming Novosound to Bellrock Technology

Written by Lesley McKee. We’re delighted to welcome Novosound, a pioneering Scottish technology company that specialises in innovative ultrasound solutions as a new client of Bellrock Technology! Founded in 2018 and headquartered in Newhouse, Scotland, Novosound has developed a groundbreaking thin-film ultrasound […]


Data is transforming the energy sector and the opportunity to drive towards a net zero position is at the forefront of executives’ minds.

Future Cities

Challenges future cities face is the need to stimulate innovation to create economic growth whilst addressing major issues such as CO2 emissions.


Challenges within the manufacturing industry include lowering costs and filling skills gaps by maximising automation and reducing the amount of waste and energy consumed in the manufacturing process.


Some of the biggest challenges the Transport industry faces is maintaining aging assets and predicting faults whilst continuing to deliver excellent levels of customer service.

Jack Fraser

Jack joined Bellrock Technology as a solutions engineer in 2024, bringing a background of cyber security to the role and enjoys helping businesses solve data challenges with security in mind.

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