BeyondHR is a progressive and growing advisory firm operating across Ireland and Scotland. It helps more than 250 SMEs and larger corporates to recruit, manage and safeguard staff. Its team boasts some of the most experienced experts in the HR and recruitment industry.
Part of BeyondHR’s difference is its use of data to improve the service provided to its clients. As client numbers rise, automating its ability to understand and act upon this data will be key.
Using Lumen®, BeyondHR has created a unique set of real-time insights into its operations. These identify times when clients need extra support and even areas where they could improve performance. As a result, BeyondHR can personalise its service and increase client satisfaction.
Lumen® lets us provide an unrivalled level of proactive guidance to our clients. It gives us the ability to discern and supply insights that clients do not know for themselves. This makes us a trusted and valued partner, which is critical to our growth plans. Getting started with Lumen® was incredibly quick – less than 5 days – and we see endless opportunities to do more.
Neil McLeese
Managing Director, Beyond HR