

Tech firm plans to extend life of power stations

GLASGOW-based data firm Bellrock Technology has outlined ambitions which could see its Lumen software used in 1,000 installations, having identified an opportunity to deploy it within the energy sector.

The technology monitors the performance of generators, and provides data analytics which can reduce outages and help predict maintenance schedules, thereby minimising operating costs.

The company’s chief executive Adam Brown said the technology could help extend the life of power station reactors.

The company recently struck a deal with EDF Energy to improve the monitoring of its UK nuclear reactors as part of a life extension plan, and Mr Brown said this could be a catalyst for growth at Bellrock.

Mr Brown, said:

“Organisations need to deliver data science results at pace and with agility. If a company can move rapidly, it can capitalise on these new advances.”

The business was spun out of the University of Strathclyde’s Institute for Energy and Environment in 2012. Its proprietary technology was developed by a team led by Professor Stephen McArthur, who is now chief technology officer at Bellrock.

The company also works with SSE to predict faults on network lines, which is improving resource efficiency and helping to maintain customer service, particularly during winter storms.

Mr Brown said that the company was looking beyond the energy sector, with oil and gas, smart cities and security highlighted as areas into which the business could diversify.

“In the next six months we’re seeing opportunities in five to ten new markets,” he said. “1,000 installations is a way off to where we are at present but we have an outstanding product in a fast moving and demanding market.”

Written by Kevin Scott
The Herald, Business Correspondent

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